The 4thInternational Symposium on Catalytic Science and Technology in Sustainable Energy and Environment



October 15-18 2023, Beijing, China

Welcome Address

It is our great pleasure to announce the 4thEECAT (International Symposium on Catalytic Science and Technology in Sustainable Energy and Environment).This time the event will be organized inBeijingon the campus ofBeijingUniversityof Technology.

The EECAT 1-3 was successfully organized in Tianjin, China, in 2014, 2016 and 2018, and the latter was combined with The 10th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis (ICEC10).Each time,we invited the most active and productive colleagues in these two closely interacting fields of catalytic technology.With the contribution of the participants, we have published seven special issues of leading international journals, including Catalysis Todayand International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.

We cordially welcome you to join us in the 4thEECAT and offer you an opportunity to communicate your newest breakthroughs in research on energy or environmental catalytic science and technologies.We look forward to showing you some of the beauty ofBeijing, as well as extending our warmestChinesehospitality.


Host Organizations


Biaohua Chen, Beijng University of Technology,China

Yongdan Li,Aalto University,Finland

Time and Venue

October 15-18, 2023

BeijingUniversityof Technology, Beijing, China

Theme & Logo

Catalytic Science and Technology Supports Sustainable Energy and Environment

Academic Committee

Atsushi Urakawa,Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Biaohua Chen, Beijing University of Technology, China

Chuan Shi, Dalian University of Technology, China

Daiqi Ye, South China University of Technology, China

Dengsong Zhang, Shanghai University, China

Dmitry Yu. Murzin, Åbo Akademi University, Finland

Donghai Mei, Tiangong University, China

Emiel J.M. Hensen, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

Fan Dong, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

Fei Wei, Tsinghua University, China

Gabriele Centi, University of Messina, Italy

Goetz Veser, University of Pittsburgh, USA

Guy B. Marin, Ghent University, Belgium

Haichao Liu, Peking University, China

Hiromi Yamashita, Osaka University, Japan

Hongxing Dai, Beijing University of Technology, China

Isabella Nova, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Jaehong Kim, Yale University, USA

Jianrong Li, Beijing University of Technology, China

Jiguang Deng, Beijing University of Technology, China

Johannes Schwank, University of Michigan, USA

Masaru Ogura, University of Tokyo, Japan

Michael S. Wong, Rice University, USA

Miguel A. Banares, Instituto de Catalysis y Petroleoquimica, CSIC, Spain

Paul Dyson, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

Peter Lund, Aalto University,Finland

Tao Zhang, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Weizhong Qian, Tsinghua University, China

Wenfu Yan, Jilin University, China

Yanhui Yang, Nanjing Technology University, China

Ye Wang, Xiamen University, China

Yingwei Li, South China University of Technology, China

Youzhu Yuan, Xiamen University, China

Yongdan Li, Aalto University,Finland

Yuejin Li, BASF Corporation, Germany

Yong Wang, PNNL and Washington State University, USA

Zebao Rui, Sun Yat-sen University, China

Zhen Zhao, Shenyang Normal University/China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China

Zifeng Yan, China University of Petroleum (East China), China

Organizing Committee

Biaohua Chen, Beijing University of Technology

Yongdan Li, Aalto University

Ning Liu, Beijing University of Technology

Chengna Dai, Beijing University of Technology

Ning Wang, Beijing University of Technology

Ruinian Xu, Beijing University of Technology

Gangqiang Yu, Beijing University of Technology

Xingang Li, Tianjin University

Yicheng Zhao, Tianjin University

Hong Chen, Tianjin University

Cuijuan Zhang, Tianjin University

Tizhuang Wang, Chinese Society of Particuology

Xiuzhi Han, Chinese Society of Particuology

Jinghong Li, Chinese Society of Particuology

Liu Yang, Chinese Society of Particuology

Qiao Huang, Chinese Society of Particuology

Huiru Zhang, Chinese Society of Particuology

Xiaoping Ren, Chinese Society of Particuology


Topics for the parallel sessions and abstract submission:

Abstract Submission page:!c/centerPapers/a/plist

1. Catalysis and advanced fuel


Prof. Weizhong Qian (Tsinghua University, China),

Prof. Ning Wang (Beijing University of Technology, China),

Prof. Gabriele Centi (University of Messina, Italy),

2. Catalysis for hydrogen, ammonia and other chemicals


Prof. Yingwei Li (South China University of Technology, China),

Prof. Yicheng Zhao (Tianjin University, China),

Prof. Xinli Tong (Tianjin University of Technology, China),

Prof. Emiel J.M. Hensen (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands),

3. Catalysis for biofuels and bio to chemicals in collaboration with EU EHLCATHOL project


Prof. Haichao Liu (Peking University, China),

Prof. Yongdan Li (Aalto University, Finland),

4. Catalysis in advanced power supply and combustion


Prof. Zhen Zhao (Shenyang Normal University, China),

Prof. Cuijuan Zhang (Tianjin University, China),

Prof. Miguel A. Bañares (Instituto de Catalysis y Petroleoquimica, USA),

5. Catalysis in advanced automobile after treatment technologies


Prof. Dengsong Zhang (Shanghai University, China),

Prof. Peirong Chen (South China University of Technology, China),

Prof. Atsushi Urakawa(Delft University of Technology, Netherlands),

6. Catalysis in clean water technologies


Prof. Sihui Zhan (Nankai University, China),

Prof. Michael S. Wong (Rice University, USA),

7. Catalysis and adsorption in NOx, SOx, mercury and dioxin removal


Prof. Jiguang Deng (Beijing University of Technology, China),

Prof. Ning Liu (Beijing University of Technology, China),

Prof. Isabella Nova (Politecnico di Milano, Italy),

8. Catalysis in solar to chemicals


Prof. Fan Dong (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China),

Prof. Hiromi Yamashita (Osaka University, Japan), yamashita@mat.eng.

Submission of abstracts and participation to the workshop are welcome for all the colleagues in catalysis over the world. Nevertheless, a submission can only be considered as a poster submission, if it cannot be catalogued into the eight topics of the workshop.

Key dates

15thApril, 2023:

Announcement of the event

1stMay, 2023:

Opening of abstract submissionandthe online payment of registration fee

31stJuly, 2023:

Deadline of early bird registration

15thAugust, 2023:

Deadline of abstract submission

15thSeptember, 2023:

Closing of the registration and the online payment system, and posting the final program

15thOctober, 2023:

Opening of the workshop on the campus of Beijing University of Technology

Registration fees

Please visit conference website toregister and pay for online.

Conference Website:

>> The participants can pay by bank transfer, online payment (WeChat, Alipay) or on-site credit card payment, International participants can ignore the following bank transfer account information.

Account bank (开户行): Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Beijing Haidian West District Sub-branch,中国工商银行北京海淀西区支行(国内汇款用中文)

Account number (帐号): 0200004509014413416

Name(开户名称): Chinese Society of Particuology, 中国颗粒学会(国内汇款用中文)

Invoice content (发票内容): Conference registration fee, 会议注册费

Address:No. 1 North 2nd Street, Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing


>> Please remark \"EECAT + Name of Delegate(s)\" on the transfer remittance note. Please upload your payment voucher by clickling on \"Bank Transfer\" in the conference online system.

Scheme for Exhibitors and Sponsors

The details about scheme for exhibitors and sponsors, please contact:

Miss Jinghong Li,, mobile:+86-13801242411

Contact Us

Conference Secretariat:

Ning Wang 王宁, Beijng University of Technology (+86-18810492568; E-mail:


Conference & Conference-hall:

Qiao Huang黄巧 (010-82544962,13718757572,

Sponsorship & Exhibition:

Jinghong Li李京红 (010-62647647,13801242411,

Finance & Invoice:

Xiuzhi Han韩秀芝 (010-62647647,13269656065,

Conference Website:

